It has been a month!

by 10:53:00 PM 0 komentar
It has been a month since u left me here 😲 ☹️ and it feels like i want to go there asap!!
But still, i'm sooo proooud of youuu my love! And miss you soooo muchhhhh 😘
Rasanya baru bentar bgt pacaran stelah nikahnya, ehhh udah LDR sgala. Jauh pula yahh..
Tp gpp, demi masa depan yg lbh baik 💪🏻 Ganbatte!! My lovelyhubby 💋❤️
When i miss you, i choose to open the wedding's folder on my leptop. See the videos and photos over and over again 'till i feel much better.
Now and then, i'll loveyou, my hubby, Agent I 💖

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