Free Crochet Pattern – Bananasaurus
The crochet community is buzzing with excitement over the latest TikTok
trend: the Bananasaurus crochet pattern. This delightful fusion of a banana
and a...
Crochet Turtle Pattern Free, Flippy the Turtle
This free crochet turtle pattern free tutorial marks my first venture into
Amigurumi. I’ve designed it to be easy, simple, and perfect for beginners.
You and Me?
If this world were mine, everyone would be given equal opportunities.
If this world were mine, everyone would be kind and caring, loving and
Sewing Stretch Corduroy Dawn Jeans for Bunny
I can’t believe this day has come! I got to make Bunny her very first pair
of Dawn jeans and that was such an exciting moment for both of us. Before
we l...
Ferrero Rocher Cake
This year, Rex asked for a Ferrero Rocher Cake, so I set to work putting
oen together. This cake…
The post Ferrero Rocher Cake appeared first on Lucky Po...
Städfirman – ditt försvar mot dammråttorna
Att anlita en städfirma kan kännas som en onödig lyx, och i vissa kretsar
rentav lite skämmigt, men ibland är det helt enkelt en nödvändighet. När du
Menua raganya, dan jiwanya(?)
Comparing picture such an interesting hobby for me right now.. Setiap
mengambil gambar, lalu tiba tiba teringat “oh iya, aku pernah foto begini
juga dulu.....
December Makeup Haul
Thought I should pop in here before *Christmas* just to say, *'Hi, Hello!' ***waves
with hands tucked inside fleece jumper sleeves**
The fog & freezing t...
Belajar Kode Pemrograman Untuk Pemula
Judul & isi dari tulisan ini akan sangat tidak nyambung pada Akhirnya,
kondisi kebatinan Saya saat ini selain sulit difahami kelakuan lahiriahnya,
ucapan ...
Reviewing 2019's Underrated Hair Dryer
"I thought flattening iron
was my best friend,
until I realized
it was more like
a *hot, but mentally abusive*
best friend."
I have a love-hate re...
Pemeliharaan Sapi Perah
A. Latar Belakang
Sapi perah merupakan golongan hewan ternak ruminansia yang dapat mendukung
pemenuhan kebutuhan akan bahan pangan bergizi tinggi yaitu ...
icons of tomorrow tokyo - tommy hilfiger
touch down in Tokyo for the third time this year, i was chosen to attend
the Tokyo Icon event of Tommy Hilfiger after his successful show in
Some of you might notice, I don't post pictures on instagram as often as
before. Lately, it's been hard for me to pose in front of the camera. I
still lov...
BERHENTI MAIN BOLA? (Inspiring video)
Kenapa Adam Putra Firdaus (putra Isa Alamsyah dan Asma Nadia) berhenti main
bola setelah berlatih keras 1 tahun di Belanda dan 2 tahun di Spanyol.
Simak ...
I Choose to Have Fun in a very Bold Way
[image: http://www...
Get Messy Season of Nature - Week 5
It is the Season of Nature at *Get Messy. So for the next few weeks I'm
working in this Nomad Notebook journal.
*Get Messy Art J...
Man Ray for NARS Holiday 2017 Collection First Look
For Holiday 2017, NARS Cosmetics introduces the Man Ray for NARS
Collection. Featuring surprising limited edition shades inspired by the
electrifying art o...
Things to Cherish and Value
*I* know I have been sounding rather upset and sad in my previous posts.
But I know that you all understand and share the same feelings as I.
However, aft...
Adaptasi atasnama cinta 💍
Suami: yank, cincin nikahnya masa ga kompakan gt?
Me: biarin yank yg penting kan esensinya
Suami: ya tapi beda bgt gitu..
Me: y gpp ay, dipake selalu ya!
Test page
Posted in Fashion / Fashion careers & casting calls
*Article continues*. To read it in full visit 'Test page' at »
Zara's Quilt
I made a Beatrix Potter quilt for my little niece right before my sister
and her family visited. Completed it in the nick of time. Here's the
Crazy Easy Kid Legwarmers {crochet pattern}
Hullo peeps,
It's getting cold around here, which is FANTASTIC for a 36.5 weeks pregnant
lady who breaks into a sweat just thinking about strenuous physica...
move on from expired EX
i cant get over the hurt and betrayal i feel from my last relationship..
no no no..u can!!
again terasa nk tarbiah skit mlm ni mybe it is just lame story..i ...
It Happens Every Sunday
No day is typical, but I want my Sunday best. I want to feel the Pacific
Northwest’s sun-kissed and natural beauty, enjoy my Stumptown cold brew and
Leotards, Leotards, Leotards!!
So, a funny thing happened last week. I made a leotard for my
daughter and posted it to Facebook and it was a big hit. Friends started
Monochrome Prints
hawkes bay monochrome bike & wine tour print
spoon me baby monochrome print
number nine print
This weekend we will be having our own stall at the *Fruit Bo...
Wedding whishes with calligraphy
A little update about my last calligraphy work that this time is a 'wedding
thing'. Yep, a pretty new field for me! I'm really having fun experimenting
Pemeriksaan dan Penyetelan Rem Truck ColtDiesel
Semua pengendara roda empat pastinya tau betepa pentingnya rem untuk
keamanan pada kendaraan. Dari itu pemeriksaan dan penyetelan rem secara
berkala sangat...
A New Look for One Sheepish Girl!
Hooray! The day is finally here! One Sheepish Girl has a new look! If I
were physically capable of doing a cartwheel, I would do a few right this
second. ...
After a break..
I am back after a long break from blogging. A family emergency left me no
time to take pictures, write and post. In the past year I have worked on
many pr...
Launching Antologi Buku "A to Z by Request"
Halo, apa kabar semua? Sudah lama tidak bersua dalam blog ini. Hampir
setahun lamanya kami tidak *update *hasil pertemuan dan tulisan. Tapi kami
sekarang p...
'Dan diantara manusia ada orang-orang yang menyembah tandingan-tandingan
selain Allah; mereka mencintainya sebagaimana mereka mencintai Allah.
Adapun ...
Senyum itu...
Pertama indera ini melihatmu,
Biasa saja,
Kata hati tak merasa,
Senyum pun adanya,
Kala waktu berjalan,
Seiring butiran pasir mengalir,
Sesering itu,
Nih dari judulnya udah ketahuan kali ya, rada2 berbau promo! Hehehe
Ya Ya Ya, Saya ini memang mau berbagi pengalaman dan cerita tentang sesibuk
apa sih Say...
Jadi Karyawan (bobodoan)
Yaps. Dua hari sudah saya PLA di BLTKLN (Balai Latihan Tenaga Kerja Luar
Negeri) yang beralamat di Jl. Soekarno Hatta no.301. Sudah merasakan dua
kali ape...
Ya, "Fin"...
Sampai jumpa di kehidupan mendatang, teman-teman....
Warm Regards,
Tyrael Delacriox aka Jonathan Tanda Pandaoni Simanjuntak.
Tooth Pouch
My little guy lost his first tooth! Lucky for me, the day before he lost
his tooth I came across this Tooth Fairy Pouch from Make it and Love it.
Such a...
blog cinta #3
dear Tuan Tulang Rusuk tersayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang,
namamu masihhhh saja panjang.
TTR = Tuan Tulang Rusuk
hahahah :p
sudah lama yaa aq gak menulis surat untukmu...
Momen yang membahagiakan untuk ku
mungkin dahulu tidaklah pernah bermimpi
untuk merasakan bangku kuliah seperti orang2 kaya di kota sana rasakan
mungkin dulu memang g da orang yg menjadi panu...
Daftar Penginapan
Berikut daftar penginapan yang dapat direservasi melalui panitia :
1. Omahe Bintang (Guset House)
Tarif Rp.185.000,-
Fasilitas : AC, TV Flat, kamar m...
New Gadget!
checkout our new Blogger Gadget - NavBar for Blogger! Link if you are
having any kind of problems when installing this gadget on your blog please
use this ...
Aku membuat artikel ini bukannya nakut-nakutin si..
cuma mau share pengetahuan aja..
soalnya dari kecil aku sering banget mimisan..
nah mimisan itu banyak pe...
kata yg sangat SUCI untuk kebanyakan perempuan
perempuan manapun PASTI meng-elu-elukan FASHION ..
banyak kategori FASHION di setiap belahan dunia,
Tangga – Utuh Lyrics
semakin ku ingkari, semakin ku mengerti
hidup ini tak lengkap tanpamu
aku mengaku bisa
tapi hati tak bisa
sesungguhnya ku berpura-p...
10 Kebiasaan Cewek Yang Tidak Disukai Cowok
Sedikit refrehsing dari aktivitas membahas hal hal yang agak berat, kali
ini Blog Berita Hari Ini akan share 10 kebiasaan cewek yang ternyata tidak
..::Buatan Indonesia nee::..
Siapa bilang putra Indonesia tidak mampu menciptakan teknologi perang,
seperti produksi Amerika Serikat atau negara maju lainnya. Buktinya, meski
dengan se...
Penilaian/Evaluasi Kegiatan mahasiswa KKN
Penilaian yang dilakukan terhadap mahasiswa KKN meliputi evaluasi program
KKN secara keseluruhan yang dilakukan o...
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