tadinya sih mau tidur,
but till i read the text from s,
he lost his key for run a motorcycle so he has to using publictrans to going home.
so sad :(
so i text him,
maybe it will help,
i mean....for his mood.
but i dont have any good metode to do the right thing.
just be it.
this week is very hard,
my body isnt in good condition.
these .
these tasks r goin to kill me maybe,
or just for makin sure that i'll become a wise girl someday, perhaps.
problem and people is couple.
let it be.
let it be.
"dibalik 1 kesulitan ada 2 kemudahan"
Allah maha besar,
so keep calm and basmallah Prita :)
Just Ride
I was trying to finish up a snowflake while Lizard loaded the bikes onto
the car. We had been around the block on our bikes a couple of times last ...
49 menit yang lalu
. .there is a god hand if you believe