beauty and the beast

by 9:33:00 AM 0 komentar
 life is beautiful, with God. life is beautiful, with family. life is beautiful, with friends. life is beautiful, with a RISK. yes! life without anyrisk on them is just like unfinished story, no climax no happiness. for a couple months, my life is becoming soooooo hardcore *lol* including my lecture, my startup business, my projects, also my own life. somefriends say that i become someone who doesnt need someone behind, they are half-wrong. first, i really need someone oh nope! i mean, i really need everyone who loves me behind such as my family to keep me strong. second and last, i have God, Allah to keep me strong and take path, step-by-step in His Best way. Allahu Akbar! no regret it. life is beast with risk on it, but Allah makes it beautiful because He loves us. 
Alhamdulillah, Thankyou Allah! 

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