A new story

by 5:15:00 PM 0 komentar
Well, feel some guilty here. but in the other hand, i feel sooooooo comfy!!! finally i can breath and wake up from my nightmare to become a evil girl who has a boyfriend without akad or khitbah first. yes, these conditions were killing me. I know, i hurt somebody in this case especially his heart (maybe but i hope he feels alright) but as a good girl, i have to cut any ilegal relationship with anyone. 
on the last discussion, he told me that i am a bad girl who plays with someone's heart. he can say that, its fine. but, here, here, yes here, i wanna talk about the reason.
i want to be a good muslimah, i cut this line bcause there are no commitment to get serious (marriage). i cant wait if it can grow any evil-thing. so, i prefer to be single and waiting for my real prince, someone who loves God, Allah.

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