25 of 30

by 12:11:00 PM 0 komentar
only 6 days left. there were many trouble that we should to pass. people said, when a couple want to get married, there will be many trouble and a couple should be patient and keep moving in a right path. Pray to Allah. closer to Allah. it can help, inshaALLAH.

the invitation card are moving away by much help from delivery agents, i use Pos Indonesia for Bandung areas (with stamp) and JNE for a rest.

so, in this shorter weeks, i should to finish the preparation including,

souvenir package, doorprize package, facial&body treatment, final fitting for my wedding dresses, a narration of MC on my wedding, the rehearsal, the coordinator from both family and wedding planner, and fixation of decoration 

quiet much, isnt it? but, let it be, let it be, just do the best, and Allah will do the rest... :D

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